Microwave Research Group
Development of Technology for Scientific Research
Owens Valley
Long Wavelength Array (LWA)
The Owens Valley LWA is an array of 256 dual polarization antennas at Caltech's Owens Valley Radio Observatory (OVRO). It hosts the LEDA correlator, which provides full cross-correlation capability and enables instantaneous snapshot imaging of most of the viewable sky, as well as a dedicated back-end for transient searching. Developed in collaboration between Caltech, JPL and the LEDA and LWA consortia, the array targets the 28-88 MHz band with primary focus on high redshift HI (Dark Ages), radio transients (particularly radio exoplanets), solar dynamic imaging spectroscopy and measurement of coronal magnetic fields, and production of a full-Stokes, low frequency, all-sky catalog. The array comprises a 230m diameter dense core and outriggers at 365m capable of imaging with a resolution of 1 degree.

OVRO Long Wavelength Array (LWA) Introduction (118 MByte ppt) or (11 MByte pdf), Gregg Hallinan, Oct 2014
LWA Hardware Paper, (1.8 MB pdf) Hicks, et al, Sep 2012
LWA LNA Tests, (0.6 MB pdf) Weinreb, Dec 1, 2014
OVRO and Deep Springs RFI Presentation, (2.9 MByte, pdf), Andrew Janzen, Oct 23, 2014
OVRO and Deep Springs RFI Report, (23 MByte, pdf), Andrew Janzen, Oct 3, 2014
OVRO 1-2 GHz Dish Tsys and RFI (pptx), Sander Weinreb, Sep 1, 2013